to mothers across all continents

to mothers tenders of land

to mothers bearers of life

to mothers co creators of songs and stories and systems

everything that you do is enough

everything that you are is enough

when did we change the story

to one where you were not enough

there was not enough

to one where your child needed to stop doing the things that were sacred in life

to then find enough meaning

making rock formations

making universal sounds of wisdom whispered

being so present in their moment of magic making

making their mundane habits of daily living a reality

singing the praises of seed sowing

praying and thanking the plants, fruits, herbs & animals that were to be eaten and killed

and such daily delights deserted


they then needed to go off and be more and do more and achieve more and bring more

in order to be more— enough

in order to surpass you

you see much would need to be suppressed

you that knew the sacred relationship and the sacred system of the stars

knew the elements engagements

the body’s holy intrinsic language

you that knew the spirit that lives through and in it all

including and always

all ways



this interconnection dynamic and designed for mutual magical magnetic marriage

when did we forget?

every single little act

-to live simply-

and in synchronicity with the sacredness of the mystery

filling us with eternal satiation

of the as is ness






when did we forget

that if we forgot to pass down

how important each minute detail of mundane living is

and is sacred

more would be lost than gained

how did we forget

that if we showed our children

that those were not sacred acts to be in participation of

they would then pass it on to another being for them to do their own work

-someone on the sacred earth must do all that we are not willing to do-

like our own personal sherpas

all that we are not willing

to do for ourselves

pick up for ourselves

all that we are not willing to clean up for ourselves

all that we are not willing to close after ourselves

someone else must do it

ahh but we proclaim …

we're in such a hurry

to open up





we are in such a hurry

for the next big story

yet it all has become such a flurry

fretting and speeding

from one moment to the next

man and woman alike

making this what is deemed as right

even at night

no pause

to ponder

and needless to say no feeling

of what is beautiful and bright

filled with luminescent light

the conveyer belt of capitalism

taking its toll on us

till we see we can hop off

and land back on this sacred soil

ohhh your soul begins to sing again




is the revelation of this revolution


what to do next

too many new things that you can see and sense

which next step to take

which road to take

pause & pray


your next steps

will appear

each time you take one

earth’s yellow brick road opens

just for you

you beautiful creature of creation

you are the

brilliant child

of art and alchemy

anointed all in one

as one


love thyself

in each inhalation

as you are loved

with each exhalation

and everything that is loved always returns back to love

when did we forget the sacredness of simplicity?

maybe the question is not when did we forget?

maybe it is a longing prayer call..


remembrance of this sacred union

is our graduation reunion



singing to us, you, and me




